Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Video Marketing - Using Personal Testimonials..

Brief Introduction

The problem with affiliate marketing is that everybody is promoting more or less the same thing. Most well organized affiliate programs have pre-written sales letters and ad copy. Using these pre-written letters can definitely work but if the program is popular you end up sending out all the similar ad that everybody else is using. This does not profit you much credibility with your viewers.

If you desire to succeed in an exceptional way you need to use your imagination and arrive up with some original promotion ideas to promote the affiliate program. One of the most effective ways to promote your chosen affiliate program is through  creating your own personal video testimonials of your chosen affiliate program.

Video Personal Testimonials.

Personal Testimonials and Especially Video Personal Testimonials are One of the Most Credible Forms of Advertising

It is easy to make a video testimonial. If your computer has a microphone and a built in web cam you can make a video directly from your YouTube account.

Here is a summary where I explain and show exactly how to record a video testimonial just with your laptop and a YouTube account to promote your affiliate program.

1. Log into your YouTube account.
2. Click upload.
3. Click Webcam record.
4. Click record.
5. Record your testimonial.
6. Click upload.

Bingo your video is automatically on YouTube! Now put a title in the title area. Make certain you include your keywords in the title. Put your affiliate link or better your own domain name at the summit of the description and redirect your own domain name to your affiliate link.

Then begin uploading the video to all the other video hosting sites and social media sites. Traffic from videos is permanent and videos profit ranked very speedily in the natural search results. Not to mention that YouTube is the number 2 search engine after Google on its own.

What To Say in The Video Testimonial?

Remember it does not matter if you are slick. As a matter of fact it is better if you are not slick and glib. People want genuine testimonials not a sales presentation.

1. Write down 5 things you like about the product or service.
2. Write down a couple of things you would like to see improved.
3. Write down why you would recommend this product or service and how they can sign up. (Hint: Put your affiliate link or domain name at the summit of the description of the video and say people in your video to click the link in the description. It is important to say people what to do. Do not assume they will click the link. Call to action!)
4. Then just chat naturally about the program. If you stumble it is no big deal. Just speak like you would speak with a friend. You can even pretend you are talking to a buddy. Do not get hung up on being absolute. Action is the key!

Watch this video from Matt Meyer:

Video marketing is a slightly longer term strategy than just placing ads but it is actually better because it will bring you traffic for months to come. It is permanent, natural and credible traffic. Start putting these videos out everyday and uploading them to all the video hosting sites. In a few months you will have most likely hundreds of videos every bringing you traffic and sales upon real autopilot! Plant those money seeds and enjoy the harvest. If you want faster results visit Fiverr and check out some gigs on ranking your You Tube video.

FREE! Step by Step Guide to Full Time Internet Income:


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Avoid Frustration; Start With Guaranteed Traffic And Income.

One obvious way to grow your business is of course to advertise or promote it. There are however effective and ineffective ways to do it , choosing a right or wrong medium can either spell success or disaster to your business.

For the sake of our discussion we will categorize these kids of advertising into three types. First is Paid Advertising, second is Free Advertising and the third is the Advertising That Pays You Back.

Each of this kind of advertising has advantages and disadvantages. The most popular form of online paid advertising today are Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. These are proven effective but you have to apply the right strategy or formula. Not doing so can really cost you a lot of money, so better to use it wisely.

Free advertising can also be worthwhile but the problem is it usually takes a lot of time getting those advertising credits and hence can be a cost by itself. Not to mention that a lot of free advertising sites are nothing but craps, so you must choose very carefully on this.

The third type of advertising is Advertising That Pays You Back. They come in various forms but what lately has made a major impact on the industry are advertising revshare programs. All you have to do is choose the right program for a lot of them failed to deliver or simply shut down due to failure to deliver the promised returns or failed sustainability. Some are even selling worthless advertising credits no clicks or sign ups at all. The most important part for you then is to choose the right program and you are well on your way to the bank.

Among all the advertising revshare programs right now MyPayingAds is the one that I trust the most. Advertising here surely gets results - real sign-ups/sales and it pays you fast! The site is run by a trusted and very transparent admin Uday Nara. MyPayingAds unlike other advertising revshare will surely be here for years.

Go ahead advertise and get paid BIG just by using it.
Access here: MyPayingAds  FREE Registration.
Program Review for more details.    

Friday, 13 September 2013

Top 8 Ways To Market Online.

Top 8 Ways To Market Online.

For sometime already, there are established methods on how to market online. Internet marketing has evolved and continues to do so. These methods however have proven themselves to be working for years and remain effective up to the time as of this writing.

Without so much introduction let me enumerate the most popular and effective ways to market online. These are just brief discussion on each subject. If you happen to be on my mailings I am sending you more specific details on each subject as I am doing my campaign using these methods.

1. Blog - blogging remains to be in the top spot of building online reputation and at the same time created more millionaires than any other methods of online marketing.

2. Video Marketing - Along with the popularity of You Tube and the way how Google is ranking videos on their search engine. This has become one of the fastest rising method on how to effectively market online.

3. Social Networking - Social media has now become extremely powerful especially the way they influence people. The social media phenomenon is an everyday experience to most of us affecting not only our opinions but also the way we conduct business online.

4. Safelists and Traffic Exchanges - This has become a congress for specific niche of internet marketers. A lot are having discussion whether this is still effective. For a certain market Safelists and Traffic Exchanges can still be very effective. What you need is a strategy and you can be very profitable using this method.

5. Forum Posting - If you can be proactive, establish yourself to be an expert on a specific niche. This method can be very good in establishing trust and business relationship.

6. Paid Advertising - Very popular among this method are Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. There are also other effective ways to make the most bang out of your advertising spending.

7. Advertising That Pays Programs - There are programs or advertising platform/services right now that offers income to those who use their services. Income are either in the form of commissions from people who joined under you or through revenue shares.

You just have to be very careful on the program that you use as a number of them just suddenly closes or not performing anymore. A lot also has very poor advertising value and just uses advertising products to show that they have products and not to be categorized as Ponzi scheme. Out of these many advertising  revenue share programs  MyPayingAds is the one that I trust most and is consistently using. Transparent and trustworthy admin Uday Nara and effective advertising products. You really get sales or sign ups with your advertising here. See Program Review to know more.

8. Classified Ads - An old school method of marketing but still works. You just need to know how to create effective short ads and know where to place it in order to be seen.

Your approach or method choice should be based on who you are or your personality. Discover what you're good at and what is your passion. It really is common sense, if you're good in writing then pursue blogging. If you are on to creating or building business relationships then spend more time in forums. If you are passionate on videos and photos then use the available social media to show your wares and use it as vehicle to launch your advertising campaigns. I am not saying that you only involve yourself on one method, what I try to emphasize is to spend more time to an avenue where you are really good at.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Power Of Inbound Marketing.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is basically about sharing quality content. A content that has high value specifically targeted to your customers. It also shows quality of caring like giving the do's and dont's on a certain product or service. Inbound marketing attracts qualified prospects and keep them coming back for more.

Attraction! Not Chasing Down Customers.

Inbound marketing  involves four cycles first is Attract, usually done through Blogging, Social Media, Keywords and through Optimized Pages. Second is Convert, usually in the form of Call To Action, Landing Pages, Capture Forms, and Contacts. Third is Closing in the world of internet this is usually done on marketing automation. Then the last but not the least part of the cycle is Delight. Inbound marketers continue to engage with, delight, and (hopefully) upsell their current customer base into happy promoters of the companies and products they love.

Here is a video from Noble Samurai that discusses how to launch an effective internet marketing campaign. Getting a Noble Samurai software is not necessary what I want you to see is the principle of launching a campaign that targets to give value rather than just take money.

A Tool To Consider.

There is now a tool you can powerfully use to increase your influence using your blog and social networks.

Get A FREE Step By Step Guide To Achieve Full Time Internet Income In The Least Cost And Fastest Time Possible.


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