Sunday, 17 February 2013

Top 3 Totally Free Essentials For Internet Marketing

These are free tools and resources that I personally use. There could be others but these are the ones I find most effective in my online experience so far..

1.) Gmail accounts - Gmail is the preferred email account for most of the online services on the internet. I highly recommend to have at least two Gmail accounts. One is your contact email and the other is your list email. Contact email is used for your official communication and is usually also your business account email. The list email will be flooded by offers as you will use this to sign up offers or services. If you're using safelists, this is where most of the mails are sent to. When I sign up for an offer and there is an One Time Offer (OTO) I usually use my list email to sign up first. Then if I am satisfied with the services I proceed to sign up again this time using my contact email and availing the OTO's.

2.) Social Media Networks - These are becoming very popular that almost everyone are using these resources. These sites expand your influence, very essential when you are into marketing. Need we say more? There are a lot of social media sites out there but these are just my favorites due to popularity and the fantastic results they gave me: a.) Facebook b.) Google+ c.) Twitter d.) LinkedIn e.) Pinterest f.) Stumble Upon and g.) Digg.

3.) IBO Toolbox - This is a free advertising platform. Not even upgrade offers later, totally free yet very effective. You can issue a PR release using the site's IBO Toolbox and get easily ranked on the search engine along with your online opportunities. Networking with fellow marketers is also very easy with this platform. Spend less time and get more results on your advertising using this system. Promote your offers, brand yourself and establish international networks with this proven system.


  1. For me social networking sites are essential for internet marketing, although they are now also use to advertising and promotion and social media sites are also use to communicate to client or customers.

    1. Well said John. Along with the benefits that you mentioned. I even experienced support groups especially on Facebook. I joined HourlyRevShare and other programs, then some dedicated members formed their group there to answer concerns, post updates or just simply share their experiences with their respective programs. Social networks are really free powerful tools that everyone on the internet can use for their business.

  2. We all know that one of the most popular businesses today is the internet marketing. Also social media is one of the most popular way became in terms of online marketing.

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    1. Well said Teresa Bowen, I am glad that more and more people are using these free internet resources for their businesses...
