Thursday, 21 February 2013

HourlyRevShare Legit Or Scam? (An Honest Review).

HourlyRevShare Legit Or Scam (An Honest Review).

I have joined HourlyRevShare (HRS) last January 31, 2013 and during this time I have explored HRS full features, proven the benefits, and tested the claims of this program. By now then, I can give a more thorough review on this program. To have an honest review whether this program is legit or scam. Whether HourlyRevShare can really make money using revenue shares and generate profits from its stated income sources.

Who Is HourlyRevShare?

The site introduces itself to be owned/admin by Analie Steinway. She introduced herself to be an experienced Forex Trader and uses her expertise on this industry as one of the income generating source for this program along with Online Advertising. Online Advertising rudiments however are more ably handled by her partners already expert on this type of industry.

Analie Steinway is based on Germany where she runs her own Forex Trading business. The whole trading arms of HourlyRevShare along with her partners on Online Advertising is officially registered as Fifthavenue Advertising Company LLC  registered offshore in St Kitts & Nevis, in the Caribbean, on February 1st, 2013.

The website information when it was updated was registered as follows:

Site Registration: ICANN Registrar: ENOM Inc.
Created: 2013-01-30
Expires: 2014-01-30
Script: Phpflux
DDoS Protection: Cloudflare
Creation Date: 30 Jan 2013 07:11:00
Expiration Date: 29 Jan 2014 23:11:00

Then a smooth server migration was implemented last February 21, 2013 to usher the growth of the company. The system along with the program is continuously improving to accommodate explosive growth and enhance user friendliness.

What Is HourlyRevShare?

HourlyRevShare is an online program designed to revolutionize earnings both to customers and advertisers. The product is advertising credits you purchase then use to promote any of your online offers. What stands out is the ability of HourlyRevShare to share earnings on guaranteed return from 4.5% to 6.5% daily for 30 days. Its ability to perform instant pay outs since Day 1 with excellent corporate communication is simply amazing to keep up.  Individual concerns about certain functions or features of the program are promptly addressed by the able admin. Due to these exemplary performances the company has experienced explosive growths. Making it as one of the hottest program now on the internet.

The available plans are as follows: Basic Plan- 4.5% daily for 30 days; beginning at $5 purchase. Premium Plan- 5.5% daily for 30 days ; beginning at $300 purchase and the VIP Plan- 6.5% daily for 30 days; beginning at $1000 purchase.

Below are the summary of the basic features of this program:

This Is How It Works!
Proceed for a FREE sign up so you can check inside the member's area first and see whether it is right for you or not. Inside the member's area is a training info where you can learn all the details at no cost at all. The official FREE sign up page: HourlyRevShare 

An Industry Overview.

Revenue share programs are on uptrend pattern on the internet. However a lot of outright scams are also out  there to make quick money then disappear. Good programs on the average last for more than two years. And this program is a cut above the rest. The key here is to choose an excellent  program with excellent growth potential. The more it spreads the more likely it will last longer. The number one selling factor is its good performance and HourlyRevShare has already spread especially to veteran online earners.The admin of this program is making sure it will always happen.

What Is In It For You And Me?

Considering that this program is relatively new, this is a ripe opportunity to get in now. You can employ your own strategy as you see fit to your personality and appetite for risks. I know some people who let their total earnings compound first for two months  before deciding to have their first withdrawal and start cashing in their profits. Below is a copy of one person adapting this strategy and posted his transaction on our Facebook group:
H o u r l y R e v S h a r e ™ "The New Kid on the Block"

(o) Finbar started off Over about 3 weeks he put in $12,000

Now... Finbar had the WISDOM to FIRST allow
his PRINCIPAL to GROW by re-purchasing
(and use the power of compounding).

Here is just a few of his Recent Withdrawals

Payment History
History and status of your withdrawal request.
No. Amount Date Merchant Status
1 $2,373.08 2013-02-13 Solid Trust Pay PAID
2 $8,279.73 2013-02-13 Solid Trust Pay
3 $1,489.51 2013-02-11 Solid Trust Pay
4 $7,240.57 2013-02-11 Solid Trust Pay
5 $1,483.13 2013-02-05 Solid Trust Pay
6 $4,809.36 2013-02-05 Solid Trust Pay
$25,673 USD (cash)... all PAID OUT in minutes

of HRS... and shows their Capacity, Willingness
and Promptness to do PAY OUTS.

(wait) BUT...

Finbar's Active Shares: $161,752.00

(wait) AND...

FINBAR has Total Members Referred: 142

(nerd) SO...

I can only hope that you SEE and understand that
these withdrawals are NOT the actions of person
who is QUICKLY trying to CASH OUT...

...instead, Finbar is giving a POWER EXAMPLE of
someone who is really BUILDING

1. a POWER estate account with Wisdom


2. a POWER team, following in his footsteps

Just today... a person joined with $14,000 USD
in Finbar's Team.

Finbar provides LEADERSHIP through example.


A number of people also adapted a different strategy by deciding on what they can afford to invest and then proceed maximum withdrawal immediately. This happens until they have recovered their initial capital before they decide only to compound the net profits. This is quite a more conservative approach  but is widely considered a very smart one since you are into lower risk exposure.

Personally, my strategy here is to let it compound the first week then withdraw all my earnings the following week. Resume to compounding again the next week, then withdraw the coming next week so on and so forth. By this strategy I make withdrawals at the same time grow my online portfolio here.

My Top Recommendation. 

My recommendation here is to get in early make the most money. Of course the usual rule for all money making online programs apply and that is " Only spend what you can afford to lose.". This should be however a must join program for everyone, a part of your more diversified portfolio on making money online. Access FREE sign up here.
Here is a video of how to buy ad packages when you already decided to participate:

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Top 3 Totally Free Essentials For Internet Marketing

These are free tools and resources that I personally use. There could be others but these are the ones I find most effective in my online experience so far..

1.) Gmail accounts - Gmail is the preferred email account for most of the online services on the internet. I highly recommend to have at least two Gmail accounts. One is your contact email and the other is your list email. Contact email is used for your official communication and is usually also your business account email. The list email will be flooded by offers as you will use this to sign up offers or services. If you're using safelists, this is where most of the mails are sent to. When I sign up for an offer and there is an One Time Offer (OTO) I usually use my list email to sign up first. Then if I am satisfied with the services I proceed to sign up again this time using my contact email and availing the OTO's.

2.) Social Media Networks - These are becoming very popular that almost everyone are using these resources. These sites expand your influence, very essential when you are into marketing. Need we say more? There are a lot of social media sites out there but these are just my favorites due to popularity and the fantastic results they gave me: a.) Facebook b.) Google+ c.) Twitter d.) LinkedIn e.) Pinterest f.) Stumble Upon and g.) Digg.

3.) IBO Toolbox - This is a free advertising platform. Not even upgrade offers later, totally free yet very effective. You can issue a PR release using the site's IBO Toolbox and get easily ranked on the search engine along with your online opportunities. Networking with fellow marketers is also very easy with this platform. Spend less time and get more results on your advertising using this system. Promote your offers, brand yourself and establish international networks with this proven system.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Profit Clicking People Are Either Shameless Crooks Or Are Offering A Totally Legitimate Online Business Opportunity.

Mixed Signals.

Profit Clicking as of today sends a confusing message.  On one end are active customer support from the admin ready to answer queries also they implement day to day changes/improvements on its site's functionality. On the other end are the perennial problems since its inception with the most evil of them all the "withdrawal system". People cannot simply get there money out, implying sense of bankruptcy/instability. The million dollar reward challenge by Frederick Mann after all should be distributed to all members as one discontented member puts it on his Facebook wall. If Profit Clicking folds despite of their pronouncements it only proves that they are really just one of the usual shameless crooks plying the internet. But if they can pull itself through and regain the respect it once enjoy then it only proves that they are indeed legitimate online business opportunity set to trail blaze the once unconquered road of high paying yet sustainable program.

Assurances From The Admin.

The admin tirelessly issues statements of assurances almost holding all its members in a trance. Every time they have a message they always see to it that there is a portion of declaration of system's sustainability. Even trying so hard to discourage negative comments from members on the internet.

People are then divided to two groups, those that constantly complain and those who are totally positive. Some just like me take the stance of being an observer, just waiting for the system to take them through. I really don't have any idea anymore where does the Profit Clicking stand for. Not only taking the Profit Clicking word for it but really checking whether the situation really improved. If the admin has really taken a positive, effective and meaningful steps towards improving the system is a thing that is to be shown yet.

Recommended Winning Stance For Everyone.

For non-members I still highly recommend to join on this program. Take the chance to use the free advertising, marketing tips and training you will get once you enter the member's area. These are real value benefits you get for free. However I discourage anyone to purchase ad packages at this point, I really think that Profit Clicking should improve the withdrawal system first before any fresh money should be put in the system. After all this is still a business and people should see first that the company is paying before putting any money into it.

For members, to quit whining and to just give Profit Clicking the opportunity to work their way through. A chance for them to show that indeed they are here to offer a genuine opportunity not just take other people's money. Personally, now at this status, I cannot in my good conscience enjoin people to spend their precious money unless  I see Profit Clicking improve specifically the withdrawal system. But I also want to grab this opportunity by availing the free membership and check if the system improves.

We should see signs that Profit Clicking has a legitimate system to generate money not just to take another batch of fresh money to pay  what they owed from the old members. In that case Profit Clicking taking another fresh money just to bail out from the present situation is a vicious cycle that should be stopped.  Profit Clicking should show resolve that indeed it is a gift from heaven for everyone to really make money online. Not just another scheme with a sulfurous stench from hell usually put up by scam artist leading people to a world of regret and misery.

If not yet a member access free sign up here and claim the $10 you can use to buy ad package: 
Profit Clicking sign up page