Friday, 6 June 2014

How to Increase Your Google+ Engagement.

Are you wondering how you can take advantage of this ever emerging social media platform? Google+ has over 300 million active users to date and certainly should be one of your targeted audience if you are into internet marketing.

Here are some of few simple tips so you can best optimize your time spent on this social media platform:

1. Show your best profile. Your profile is the first impression your audience will see when they visit your page and so improving the looks and information about it is certainly time well spent. Use a clear photo or company logo that identifies your personality or brand. Describe yourself that it makes sense why should people listen to you.

2. Create and manage circles. Find and add to your circles people who share your interests. Make sure to always make "Public" option whenever you make a post to make sure you maximize your exposure across Google+. Look to create circles to people who are regularly engaging with you, this will create a loyal group to promote your brand or business.

3.Be reasonably active. Make sure to engage with others, don't just randomly pick some posts and comment with it, make sure that you have an idea about the subject matter. As much as possible avoid bland comments such as "Great post" or "Nice one.", make an effort to input something of value like an idea or your opinion to a subject matter. Your comments should show that you care and understand the topic that is being shared.

4. Join Communities. Communities are a great way to locate and get active with people of similar interests. Look for Communities that describes your purposes and visit them to engage regularly. 

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