In a very short stint, ad revenue share programs become an instant sensation to the online money making world. Everybody seems eager to ride on this humongous wave; who wouldn't be? Ad revenue share programs showed a lot of promise at the onset. A passive income source where for just a few clicks a day you would earn automatically an unlimited income potential. Aside from that your purchases also allows you advertising credits which can be another great income source. If you have another great product you can use these advertising credits to promote the said product. 100% of your profits from your sales is entirely yours. There is also an affiliate commission which most of these programs offer. Since these programs spread like wildfire when they perform very well this could be an easy sale for you. Then you earn additional income from the commissions from people who joined under you.
There is however a setback that has been noticed as ad revenue share programs progressed on their operations, most of them if not all eventually experiences slowdown. When activity begins to slow down most participants eventually got scared pulling out their funds that further decelerated the said particular program.
Some Better Ad Revenue Share Programs.
A lot of ad revenue share programs mushroomed on the internet. Some are just poor copy cats with owners are just into quick money. Most of these eventually turned into scams (not paying) in record time much like that of HYIP's.
There are however that made it to the list of better managed ad revenue share programs. They look to stay for a long time and emerged as one of the industry leaders. The best example is from the number one trusted admin/owner on this industry Uday Nara of My PayingAds. See program review to know more.
This program is the best among its peers it has valuable advertising credits and consistently performing ad revshares.
Paradigm Shift.
Uday Nara made a campaign of seeing My PayingAds not just a money maker opportunity but most of all an effective advertising source. This way all members can experience growth and earnings on their accounts and will eventually spread the word resulting to more advertisers on My PayingAds. Eventually this will result to everybody gets paid to all their owned shares, an absolute win win for all stakeholders. More advertising products are also introduced in order to add to the external income sources for revenue sharing.
High Value Advertising Or Just Another Ponzi Scheme?
Aside from a transparent and professional admin one another characteristic that we all should look for in all these ad revenue share programs is the value of their advertising credits. Some ad credits on other programs are just a way of showing that you are buying something. Often times these banner/text ads are just meaningless numbers which can never ever give you a single sign up in a million years even if you have a wonderful product to sell.
These ad credits are just poorly located impressions from sites not actual clicks/views of interested buyers. That is why a good ad revenue share programs should have high value advertising products. Your credits really receive clicks and eventually sales/sign ups. That is what after all is your buying for when you participate on this program.
Ad revenue share programs without effective advertising products are just another Ponzi schemes that will eventually implode to destruction. We therefore need to check these basic criteria before jumping in to another revenue share program. The reputation of the owner, the quality of the advertising products and maybe perhaps some other unique features not found with other similar programs.

I still participate on ad revenue share programs but this time I get more selective. After all we deserve the best as we all worked hard for it. Every advertising money that we spent should be reciprocated with a better result and if there be more income to boot is a welcome addition. Not yet a member of MyPayingAds? Register here.