Monday, 13 May 2013

5 Helpful Tips To Really Make Big Money On Online Passive Income Opportunities.

Making big money on the internet has become easier nowadays; practically everyone can do it. So, here is one proven outline that I will present to you. I sincerely believe that this is the easiest and surest way to make money online and earn your financial freedom.

I. Choose A Good Program.

Choosing a good program is a must. In fact this is the groundwork of having a profitable making money online endeavor. One way to easily do this is to follow one or more experienced online earners on the same industry. The one who is already an expert on this niche and has the right connections with fellow active industry leaders. Try checking my list of top money maker programs.

II. Strategize.

Devise a strategy for each program you joined. Make a plan and implement it on when and how much of your daily earnings to be withdrawn. For actual cashing out and at the same time some portion are allocated for repurchasing to grow your account to every program you joined.

III. Goal Setting.

Set a minimal target income before you proceed to promote or add another one. Too much program hopping can be counterproductive, too often it will only lead you to more programs but less or even worse no income at all to show for it. You need to concentrate your efforts first, then set a target income for a certain program say a $100 per day or $700 per week is a good target for anyone even for beginners. Then after you achieved the said target proceed to add another one.

IV. Diversify.

As discussed previously after you achieved your target minimum income for the certain program. Then make sure to add another one this is proven to make your online business more stable and is therefore a reliable income source. Being more diversified also exposes you to more opportunities. Getting the latest trends on the online money making industry can be very rewarding both to your mind and to your pocket. Make sure that your diversity is meaningful,  what I mean is your program should differ in characteristics whether by the system features or by its income sources. This is done so that when a certain type of industry experience crisis your online income should not go down with it.

V. Stabilize More.

Allot  a portion of your income to other proven passive income sources. A lot of opportunities are also being offered online especially on buying stocks and other financial investments. Contact a well established and trusted professional broker in your local area to really help you do this. I don't know which country you are from but I am sure that most of the countries right now have access to this financial instruments. Just contact two or more brokers, compare their services and decide accordingly which of them suits your personal preferences.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Ad Hit Profits Review


Ad Hit Profits is sharing revenue as an advertising service provider. Let us see if Ad Hit Profits as a 100% revenue share system can be a legitimate online income opportunity. I have joined Ad Hit Profits last April 2013. I am now posting here my experience and the information gathered inside the member's area. Whether the program can really make money for us for the long term or not . If the system can be profitable and at the same time sustainable so we can trust it. This Ad Hit Profits review hopefully assist you, the readers, to decide if the program is worth joining or not.

The program issues timely newsletter updates from its admin/CEO Charles Scoville . He is sharing revenue and is very active even interacting to numerous Ad Hit Profits Facebook group where I am also a member and through Skype. I have never seen an admin/owner to any money maker program as transparent and reliable like Charles Scoville. Ad Hit Profits was registered as at North Carolina, USA with an I.P. address The site's registration was created 2013-03-18 and will expire subject for renewal on 2014-03-18,

We have set up a long term Cash Bonanza for you

Main Basic Features - Ad Hit Profits Program Review 

- Passive income, sharing revenue automatically,  no recruiting required. You just need to view 25 ads which lasts 5 seconds each. If you have an average speed internet connection, this can only take you to about 5 to 8 minutes at most. After viewing the required number of ads, you are now eligible to earn through the daily revenue share compensation plan.

- Highlighted features regarding system features are: * Pay members from the profits NOT from other members join fees (Legal). * Pay members ALL the profit from the site NOT just what they make (Smart). * Pay ALL the members not just pay a few members (Fair).

- Cost of an ad spot is $45 each and this will earn you up to 125% of initial value or an equivalent amount of $56.25 total. Earnings are based on the distribution of 100% of sales generated from the system. Paid in real time so this is really paying fast; you achieve the maximum earning potential in the soonest time possible .

- A revenue share ad spot includes you to the Directory Listing and a guaranteed 1000 visitors to the website of your choice.

- 100% revenue share, the admin/owner Charles Scoville just earns like we do. He participates in the program by buying his own revenue share ad spots in the program and also sharing this opportunity to his own list in order for him to also earn referral commissions.

- Other products available inside the member's area are: 1. Directory Listings & Website Traffic 2. Forum Advertising Services 3. 728x90 LeaderBoard Ads 4. 125x125 Banner Ads 5. 468x60 Banner Ads 
6. Vacation Mode 7. Share Auto-Repurchase Convenience Fee 8. EzyBonds Shared Transaction Fees . These products are being sold separately and sales generated are also distributed to all members as part of the revenue share plan.

- There are real value and effective advertising products inside as your ads are being displayed to an audience who are mostly proven online buyers. The Banner Ads are  great value buys since the Alexa Chart rating of the site is high; indicative of high traffic activity and popularity. More than 1 million page views everyday.

- Then of course the Directory Listing where your particular website can be included. If you are an advertiser looking for high quality value for money advertising, this system is perfect for you.

- 10% referral commission on its affiliate program.This is a welcome addition to add to your earnings, a great benefit to all those who love sharing this opportunity. This can also really explode your income if you are into internet marketing.

- Payment processors accepted are Paypal, Solid Trust Pay and EzyBonds.  Paypal does not accept programs that are HYIP or Ponzi or with no actual products/services, so this is a solid proof or a sign that this program is in for the long term.

-U.S compliance certificate. The program is perfectly legal and ethical.

*New Features* In order to achieve a more progressive program Charles Scoville has introduced more features inside.
- $10 mini revenue shares. To earn the same rate with the $45 revenue adshare of up to 125%. You get 100,000 text ad impressions per adshare.
- Treasure chest. There are many $0.02 ads in the treasure chest each day. To unlock these, a simple $10 text ad purchase is the minimum requirement to view them. By clicking all the treasure ads, and all the required 25 ads on the view ads page (5 secs each) members are earning over $1.00 per day. The $10 ad purchase continues to share in revenues up to $12.50 as long as 25 ads have been clicked on the view ads page within the previous 24 hours.
- Queued shares. In order to spread earnings to more members. Instead of the hit and runners hogging all the income. Charles Scoville introduced queued shares. You can only own up to maximum of 1 active $45 revenue share and 100 active mini revenue shares. All the rest will be put into queue until the active shares expire.
- More advertising features and free tools inside like the forum, link shortener, rotator, etc.

We have set up a long term Cash Bonanza for you

My Personal Experience And Thoughts.

The program delivers based on its promises so far. The income is big and fast, of course income inside is not fix as these are based on actual sales, but the results are phenomenal so far. Get quality advertising and operate in pure profit for the rest of your life. It also looks like the program will stay for a very long time since the features are all well set for sustainability. Definitely built to be long term and big income. And the admin is very "visible", what I mean is he is always around either through Facebook or through Skype. He is very vocal in his intent to make AdHitProfits his baby program for many years and that he wants to see it to be ultra successful all the way through. Check the videos below to learn more from him.

Meet the admin and the program (One of the very first videos uploaded by admin): 

I should say that this is a cut above the rest program. A must join opportunity for all online earners looking for a major income source or perhaps an addition to an already established internet business.  FREE sign up; so you see it inside the member's area first before you make any purchase.

Specific Strategies. 

If you are looking for a specific strategy on how to go through this program and participate on sharing revenues all the way; here are my  highly recommended strategies. Needless to say, that you can employ your own methods as it will largely depend on your personal risk tolerance and maybe other personal preferences. These strategies had been actually proven to work with these kind of programs or of similar type. .

Strategy 1:  (This is what I usually apply or something similar to it to most of my online program strategies.)

Step 1: If you can afford it, purchase 1 revenue share ad spots and 100 mini revenue shares or with any amount you can afford at the moment. Then watch your earnings shoot up as soon as you viewed the 25 ads daily viewing requirement. Don't forget to also view some ads on the Treasure ads chest for some additional income.

Of course you can also start with the minimal one revenue share ad spot. Or even if you are broke you can still make money even with no purchase or zero out of pocket cash at all, just promote the program and use your referral earnings to cash out or purchase revenue share ad spots and grow your account for more earnings. You still can achieve the target full time internet income even with less initial investment. It may just take longer but you will eventually get there.

Step 2: Choose one legitimate and stable company with an affiliate program. In my case, I have chosen CashUnite. Use your total daily earnings to repurchase revenue share ad spots in until two weeks time and use your advertising credits to promote your particular affiliate program. You will be earning in two ways After two weeks, shift your strategy to cashing out all your available balance by making withdrawals as soon as your money becomes available. Do this until you recover all your seed money or your total initial cash investment.

Step 3: After you recovered your seed money. You are now operating in pure profit. Devise a regular withdrawal and repurchase schedule on this program. It is my recommendation that you should cash out some of your earnings and at the same time grow your account here.

Since you are having a total maximum earnings for a revenue share ad spot of up to 125%, that means you are only to withdraw no more than one fifth of your total earnings in order not to touch your working capital. A one day earnings withdrawal per week is my recommendation. Just assign a particular day in a week for your cash out day then use the other days to purchase more revenue share ad spots and bump your Directory Listing.  In my case I assign Tuesday as my cashing out or earnings withdrawal day. This way I can see my earnings growing every week and at the same time grow my chosen advertising program. A regularly increasing weekly income with a high potential for exponential growth through compounding and commissions earnings.

Strategy 2: (This is a very popular kind of approach by many experienced online earners. Minimal risk exposure.)

Step 1:  Purchase the maximum active shares allowed or whatever amount  that you can afford at the moment.  Just decide for yourself how much you are willing to put into this program.

Step 2:  After purchasing with your decided amount of revenue share ad spots, proceed to cash out or withdraw all your earnings as soon as it becomes available. You go for total cash out mode until you recovered all your seed money that you put inside the program.

Step 3: After recovering your seed money. You are now operating in pure profit. Proceed to strategize your withdrawal and repurchasing schedule At this stage, I highly recommend to assign the same strategy as in Strategy 1 that is only assign one day earning in a week to be withdrawn. All other days of earnings are for repurchasing. This is for the same purpose of  cashing out some of your earnings and at the same time growing your account here. You will also see a growing weekly income with this approach.

Strategy 3: (This approach is straightforward on building a stable continuously growing online income source). 

Step 1: Purchase maximum active adshares that you can own (1 $45 revenue share and 100 $10 mini revenue shares) or to whatever decided amount that you can afford.

Step 2: As soon as you have purchased your revenue share ad spots and start earning. Proceed immediately to strategize your withdrawal and repurchasing schedule. I also highly recommend to follow same step with Strategies 1 and 2. That is assign one day per week earnings for cash out and all the other days of earnings are for repurchasing. This is for the same purpose of actual cashing out some of your earnings and at the same time growing your account with Ad Hit Profits.  The projection is that there will be a growing weekly withdrawals for the rest of your life.

In Conclusion.

Whether you are looking for a big money income or just a nice side income to add to your existing one. THEN this program is definitely for you. The sooner you participate the higher is the potential for you to make more money. Access FREE Sign Up Page .

Note: There are a lot of changes that are implemented inside Ad Hit Profits since the first time I posted this review. But the fact that AdHitProfits as an effective advertising source and reliable income source remained the same. If you are into online business AdHitProfits is a must join program. You advertise and instead of spending, you earn money through revenue shares. Advertise effectively then earn money automatically. Join AdHitProfits NOW!

Here are some videos about the program that are really worth watching:

Casual interview with Charles Scoville:

Traffic update as of early June 2013:

Compliance certificate:

*FREE! Guaranteed Tips And Strategies To Earn Big Internet Income. Fill Up Information So I Can Send You The Details.*
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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

8 Top Reasons Why Ad Revenue Share Programs Are The Best Income Opportunities Today.

This is a revolutionary year for revenue share income opportunities. A lot of good programs had been launched and people are taking interests due to the spreading reports of its successes. Without further ado, here are the 8 top reasons why revenue share programs are the best income opportunities today.

1. It is a passive income opportunity. Although most of these type of programs are rewarding you for recruiting, it is not a requirement to make big money here. This is better than MLM where mostly recruiting is an absolute necessity to make any money. In fact most of the internet failures of so many programs are due to the fact that most of them requires you to make people join under you and possibly turn them into your own sales force.
From the book of Amway's Ruth Carter "Amway Motivational Organizations: Behind the Smoke and Mirrors." mentioned that of the five million or so Americans who've been involved with this company over its forty-year history , fewer than one percent made a profit  and fewer than one tenth of one percent have established the large incomes that the company claims are achievable by all. Furthermore, the few who succeed and Ruth Carter was one of them - often pay a terrible personal and relational price. Take a look on my list of top advertising revenue sharing sites.

2. You can start small and earn big. This is the big advantage of revenue share programs over stock market investments . With the latter you need to have either or both of large sum of money for investment and long term accumulation. In order to realize a serious full time income source reaping from the profits of your investments alone. With revenue share programs you can start with small amount and grow it into a big one. For example, I only started $20 with MyPayingAds program and in two to three months time it has grown to be one of my prime mover money maker program on the internet.
Although it has bigger risk when compared to the already established stock market investments, the affordability with a potential for high growth are the most obvious advantage of revenue share programs. To be candid about it, if you are already a multi-millionaire you don't really need revenue share programs unless of course you are only doing it just for the fun of it.
If you have the money, just get a trusted broker and let your capital assets grow. But if you are looking for an easy entry to an ultra high money growth; to build your financial muscle and participate with the biggies later. Then, this is the perfect place for you to get started with.

3. Easy to start. Anyone who can access the internet, read and write, or just follow simple instructions can really make serious money here. No complicated technical skills to learn and the basic resources you need are readily available mostly FREE online. Other highly rewarding industries such as stocks or forex trading can only be profitably managed by trained professionals. Revenue share programs basic features can usually be learned in half day or less of reading. Just by exploring the main dashboard area and checking some details on the FAQ portion you can have almost all the information you need.

4. Available to almost anywhere. With the advent of internet technology, more and more people from all corners of the world can easily gain access to it. Technology is fast evolving and so the easier access to these income opportunities.

5. Big and almost unlimited market. Since it is available to most part of the world, then you have the world audience as your market. Perfect for those who are interested to online marketing. If you are interested to internet marketing, this is the venue where you can fully apply the most potential for your interest.

6. Explosive growth potential. Apply the power of the internet, you can grow quickly and massively. You just have to know some basic internet marketing skills and you can have sign ups from all over the world in the shortest time possible.

7. Guaranteed and predictable earnings. Most of these programs stipulate their daily rates of income potential. Remove the guesswork. With this, you can plan your movement and decide which direction and how much you want to grow in a particular program.

8. Wide selections of good programs and strategies to choose from. Since a lot are now available online, you just can select which ones are the perfect fit for you. You can adapt to your risk tolerance and features preferences.  Set a target income for a specific program then after you achieved it, diversify in order to add stability and more growth potential to your online portfolio.Again, take a look on my list of top advertising revenue sharing sites. I want you to earn money from the internet not to lose money. There are a lot of programs that are posing to be long term but wouldn't last three months longer.

** I am making a full time internet income just by joining to some money maker programs on the internet. If you have time please visit my step by step method on how to make money online using ad revenue share programs .